What is Wick

What is Wick?
Wick is a Discord Bot with Moderation, security and utility in mind. Unlike other conventional bots, Wick is built to protect your server from the threats you may face in any way possible. It is used in production by the largest servers on Discord and it has proven itself to be the best moderation bot for years now. Wick does have some opinionanted filters influenced by our experience against nukers and raiders, but it still offers a lot of customization to the server owners so that they can pretty much tweak and make their own moderation environments.
What can this bot even do?
If moderation, security and protection is what you are after, Wick is the bot you need! Some notable features from Wick:
- advanced Auto Mod, with customizable heat filters to suit the needs of your server. Wick's automod comes with dozens of filters. More customizability and granulaty than other bots or Discord's own Automod even.
- Super Powerful Anti-Nuke solutions to protect against potential "rogue" admins from Mass Creating/Deleting Channels and Roles, Mass Kicking and Banning members and a lot of security checkpoints that ensure your server is never destroyed in any way possible. Keep in mind that Wick is the very first bot that came with the "Anti Nuke" concept, we have been perfecting this system for years now. Solid Lockdown System where you can lock a specific channel, the entire server, roles, joins and even invites. Various different Lockdown Modes that you have at your disposale
- Powerful Gate System where you can have Wick monitor users that join and target those that meet/trigger your set filters. It can even filter out bots your staff might bring in without your permission.
- Verification, you can have your new members go through Wick's unique verification process that can be on Discord itself or on our own platform. Several different soltutions offered that help you filter out user bots.
- Robust Moderation Commands, Wick offers you all the moderation tools you need and more that only Wick has. Moderation Commands are offered as both Slash Commands and Prefix Commands alongside the user actions.
- Utility and Logs, Wick also offers a lot of utility methods, everything Wick does is also logged.
- And many other neat features you can explore!
Wick Premium, what makes it worth the money?
So you decided to go ahead and buy premium, great! But what do you get with your hard earned money? A lot actually! Here is a brief rundown of what you get for buying premium! Most notable features included with your premium are:
- The best Anti Raid there is
- Accurately stop bot raids, NFT/Steam/Discord Scam/phishing waves. Wick's anti raid is used by the biggest servers on Discord, and it is very battle tested.
- Fun fact: The largest raid Wick has handled had more than 250,000 raid accounts targeting a 300K members Discord server. Wick has stopped tens of thousands
- Extensive Anti Nuke
- Webhook creation/deletion tracking.
- Member prune detection: Detect when a Member Prune happen, lock, analyze and eliminate anything odd.
- Strict role tracking: Wick will stop unauthorized users adding dangerous permissions to roles.
- Backups: The ability to Save and Load Backups to your server in case rogue admins have done some damage to your server. The backups are synchronized with your server, not enforced which what separates Wick from other backups bots like Xenon. Backups are also automatically used by Wick's antinuke.
- Customizable Verification! Change the size and colors of the verification captcha to however you like! Wanna add more letters? Remove some? Maybe change the colors of the letters to blue? Premium gives you that option.
- Adding on with the captcha, if you are really paranoid about people bypassing the captcha, we also have an option to have Wick make a new captcha for that user every set amount of seconds you want
- Panic Modes! You will have access to using Wick's Anti Nuke and Heat Panic Modes. Those modes deserve an info page of a specific channel or even the whole server in the event such action was needed, with various different Lockdown Modes.
- A powerful Gate System monitoring users that join and take action to the ones you don't want. It can even filter out bots your staff might bring in without your permission
- And many otheir own tbh. Go ahead and take a look!
- Faster response time
We offer premium on set amount of servers, so the base subscription will only cover for 1 server, however we provide plans for people who want premium on multiple servers! Check it out on our website!neat features you can explore!
Wow! This is such a great bot! But what's the catch?
The main catch is that this is not a simple out-of-the-box "it works" type of deal. Fully setting up this bot will take time, and if time isn't something you have, you may have to look elsewhere.
Our Support Server is there to help with all of your troubleshooting questions!