The backup commands is only available for PREMIUM users.
Backups are used internally by Wick to synchronize your server with the recent backup taken after the anti nuke triggers. You can also manually manage your backups by creating, deleting, and synchronizing them with the server.
Slash Command
/backups create
/backups delete !key:
/backups load !key:
/backups purge
/backups view key:
Note: Any parameter prefixed with ! is required, the others are optional.
Members able to use this command are:
- Server Owner and Extra Owners.
It can be found by taking a backup and the ID will be given to you or by running the following command w!backups and it'll show the recent 10 backups in the server.
For example, you took a backup hour ago, and you want to take its ID once more, you can use the command w!backups and copy the last one from your list.
Parameters are the backup commands options you can provide if you want an extra input or a custom behaviour. They must come before the backup ID! The parameters available for the backups command are as follows:
w!backups take
- bcreate , bsave , btake , createbackup
w!backups load X
- bload , bapply , loadbackup
w!backups delete X
- bdel , bdelete , deletebackup , delbackup , backupdelete
w!backups clear
- iclear , imgclear , ipurge , imgp , imgpurge , ic
A better, new way to manage your backups!
Now, a panel to manage your backups through the dash has been made. It contains your CURRENT images including their informations smoothly, where you can also load or delete them.